
Eversheds Sutherland targets modern slavery

Law firm Eversheds Sutherland has launched two e-learning modules, developed to train businesses to understand and manage their risks related to modern slavery.

Module one explains what modern slavery is, how to spot the signs, and what workers should do if they suspect it is happening to mitigate the risk to victims and to the business. It also covers the 2015 Modern Slavery Act, which requires large businesses to publicly report the steps they have taken to ensure their operations and supply chains are trafficking and slavery free. This new reporting duty applies to commercial organisations carrying on business in the UK, with a turnover of £36+ million and supplying goods or services, many of which will be required to publish their first statement by June this year.

The second module takes a closer look at tackling slavery in the supply chain. Most relevant to procurement, risk and compliance, HR and in-house legal teams, this module examines the importance of risk assessment and monitoring across the entire supply chain and shares tools and common pitfalls.

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