
CMA CGM and Engie partner to decarbonise shipping

The CMA CGM Group, a specialist in shipping and logistics, and ENGIE, which specialises in the field of renewables and energy solutions, have committed to working together to advance the energy transition by promoting the industrial-scale production and distribution of synthetic methane and BioLNG.

An initial project to produce liquefied biomethane (BioLNG) for shipping has already been launched by both groups at the Port of Marseille, in partnership with Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence and TotalEnergies.

CMA CGM will have the ability to invest in Enegie, including through multi-year purchase commitments. These projects will harness various technologies, such as pyro-gasification or methanation using green hydrogen and captured CO2.

To ensure the durability of the industry, the partnership between CMA CGM and ENGIE will facilitate the sharing of both groups’ knowledge and R&D work, most notably in key technologies such as carbon capture and green hydrogen production.

The partnership also covers the analysis of future regulations, as well as efforts to raise awareness of the benefits of BioLNG and synthetic methane for the decarbonisation of the shipping industry.

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