SETG: New solutions for single wagons and wagon groups
In addition to pan-European block train solutions, Salzburger EisenbahnTransportLogistik GmbH (SETG) is also offering solutions for pan-European single-wagon and wagon group traffic in its SINGLE-Link division (“SETG’s International Goods Logistic-Express”) since the beginning of 2018. This is not only provided in the network of state railways, but also in the form of shuttle trains of the business division SINGLE-Link. SETG wants to provide customers with quick, maybe even unconventional, tailor-made solutions.
“SINGLE-Link is by no means a standard product. We advise our customers in choosing the right type of wagon and take over planning of the most optimal routes. In addition, we take care of services before, during and after rail transport,” explains Christoph Böhm, responsible for SETG’s SINGLE-Link product.
At the beginning of the year, SETG has also operated its first train service for single wagons and wagon groups under the name SINGLE-Link “Alpinia” between Slovenia and Salzburg, with four to six weekly operations.
At the main train formation points in Salzburg and Ljubljana, wagons of all types, including container wagons, are being assembled to form a block train. The responsibility for the planning and scheduling lies exclusively with the SETG and is carried out by Nicole Sykora, taking into account the individual customer requirements.
The SINGLE link “Alpinia” is connected to the rail network of North-West Europe. Through Corridor 10, all of South-Eastern Europe can be reached.