
The Big Question: what is the single-biggest benefit of making the transition to automation?

With labour shortages throughout logistics and virtually every industry – and it seeming to be a perennial problem – companies of all sizes are increasingly turning to robotics and automation to stay productive and competitive. Automation is also flexible enough to address different business needs, help companies solve unique problems and shape a competitive edge.

Other benefits range from lack of human error, optimised throughput, increased efficiency and lower injury risk to cost reductions, accuracy, inventory control, upticks in productivity and accurate traceability and analytics. But you can read all this on the websites of companies trying to sell you an automation solution. We want to know what you think, as a reader of Logistics Manager, whether systems integrator, user, or indeed technology supplier.

What is the single-biggest benefit of making the transition to automation?

If you would like to answer ‘The Big Question’ question in detail (up to 400 words), please email nick.bradley@akabomedia.co.uk and you could be featured in the February edition of Logistics Manager magazine. Please also send me a photograph of yourself for publication with the words.

We want to hear about your real-world experiences with automation. Increasing demand, booming e-commerce and stringent competition make nearly every storage, logistics and retail company are apparently forcing many to consider integrating warehouse automation technology. But is that the case?

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