Business Angel pumping fresh capital into StoreMe

StoreMe, the Airbnb for storage space, obtains medium six-digit investment from Hansi Hansmann and Schweizer Martin Global AG

To be able to pursue the growth course since its start in January 2016, the exchange for storage space will now obtain fresh capital from the renowned Business Angel Hansi Hansmann and Schweizer Martin Global AG. The medium, six-digit investment will be made into the technical development of the storage space exchange and marketing measures.

With the support of Hansi Hansmann and Martin Global AG the company founder Johannes Braith, Ferdinand Dietrich and Christoph will be able to further develop the Austrian market, but also expand to new markets.

Hansi Hansmann is one of the best-known Business Angels in the German speaking area, explaining his investment as follows: “I have been convinced of the team since we first met. StoreMe offers a smart business idea, that can actually solve problems, and I have also been convinced by the business model.“ StoreMe is the Airbnb for storage space and connects persons providing or seeking storage space. The platform accepts underutilised cellars, garages or other empty rooms for offer. In turn, people can find a suitable storage space in their immediate surrounding. Price, runtime and date are agreed directly between the lessor and the leaser. Apart from integrated storage space management for lessors, the platform provides also storage insurance and transport for leasers.

At the start of the year 2016 StoreMe has won the Pitching Days Tel Aviv and the eAward 2016, and reached the final of the i2c Startup Challenge by the Austrian Economic Chamber.

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