Chapman Freeborn charters first Qatar Airways Cargo B777F

Chapman Freeborn Airchartering has successfully coordinated the first ever charter on Qatar Airways Cargo’s latest addition to its fleet – a new Boeing 777 Freighter recently delivered to the Doha-based airline.

Chapman Freeborn coordinated the movement of 87 tons of telecommunications equipment from Stockholm-Arlanda to Dhaka for the inaugural charter flight on behalf of its client, Heavyweight Sweden .

The B777F aircraft represents the most modern, efficient, and capable twin-engine freighter in the world and can carry large shipments in excess of 100 tons.

According to Robert Jubb, a cargo charter specialist at Chapman Freeborn’s UK office, the company expects this aircraft to be in high-demand in the future.

With 32 offices in 22 countries across five continents, Chapman Freeborn coordinated more than 5,000 aircraft charters last year.

Quelle: eyefortransport

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