
Dounreay plans supply chain event

Dounreay and its partners are holding a supply chain event for companies to find out more about the site’s recently awarded Decommissioning Services Framework.

The event will be held on 5th September in Wick, Caithness. Six framework contracts were awarded to organisations earlier this year to deliver a number of construction, demolition and engineering projects.

The plan is to retrieve historic wastes from the site’s shaft, silo and low level waste pits, repackage them and and consign them to modern waste facilities.

The framework contracts, worth up to £400 million, are due to last up to four years with the possibility of extensions up to an additional three years.

Head of commercial services Jane MacKenzie said: “Dounreay is jointly hosting this event with all of the companies that have been appointed a Decommissioning Services Framework contract. This is an opportunity to find out more about the type of projects we expect to deliver and discuss opportunities for other businesses to get involved and support them.

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