Hellmann & Kreidezeit Naturfarben launch first carbon-neutral seafreight operation

Working to develop a new sustainable logistics concept, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics has launched its first ‘green‘ sea containers, which will enter a carbon neutral journey from the US on behalf of Kreidezeit Naturfarben.

This initiative was jointly developed to improve environmental and sustainability efforts by both organisations. Kreidezeit Naturfarben has been leading climate neutral transportation with Hellmann since December last year. To date, the CO2-neutral settlement has only related to trucks, with Hellmann deciding to extend its ‚green‘ logistics credentials into other modes of transport. Germany-based Kreidezeit Naturfarben represents more than twenty years of consistently ecological, fully defined materials for surface treatments from natural and renewable resources. Its own environmental and social orientation also refers to the selection of business partners.

Hellmann was the first logistics company in Germany to be certified with the ISO 14001 accreditation in 1996, playing a key role in the organisation’s environmental and social responsibility.

Quelle: eyefortransport
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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