
HSE ends confusion on hand pallet truck regs

The Health & Safety Executive has confirmed that hand pallet trucks with maximum lifting heights below 300 mm are not subject to LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) after confusion over the requirements of the regulations.

This confirms the view held by CFTS, the body behind a UK national standard for the Thorough Examination of lift trucks.
CFTS chairman Geoff Martin said: “Since these types of hand pallet trucks transport, rather than lift, our position has always been that they shouldn’t be subject to Thorough Examination. We’re pleased that the HSE shares this view.”

The clarification appears within the June 2018 update to the HSE’s Safe use of lifting equipment. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (L113). The revised guidance states that LOLER applies to “high-lift pallet trucks, both manual and powered, that have the ability to raise the forks above 300 mm.”

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