
Intimidating intelligence

Artificial intelligence is set to transform the logistics industry over the next few years, but a new study suggests that almost a third of companies fear that they will struggle to keep up with the rate of technological change.

The potential of AI was highlighted earlier this year in a report by DHL and IBM which said it would transform operating models from reactive to proactive and predictive. For example, they argue that AI could predict fluctuations in global shipment volumes before they occur.

Malory Davies, Editor.

That’s all very well, but an organisation that is not geared to take advantage of AI could easily get left behind.

The new study by TomTom Telematics found that one in three companies believe business use of artificial intelligence will be commonplace, and 22 per cent believe virtual reality will be in common usage, while around one in five anticipate the prevalence of in-vehicle working due to the development of autonomous vehicles.

And it said that 32 per cent of companies fear they may struggle to keep pace with the rate of technological change. And 49 per cent believe those that fail to embrace digitalised processes and the Internet of Things are at greater risk of going out of business.

TomTom director Beverley Wise warns: “Complacency can sound the death knell for businesses.”

It is certainly the case that these changes are coming faster than many people expected and it is important to keep pace with the rate of development. That’s why we launched the Robotics and Automation exhibition last year. The event has grown dramatically this year and promises to be the perfect opportunity to find out more about the development of AI in logistics.

Click here to find out more

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