Itella plans to give up air and sea freight in Scandinavia

Itella to renew its logistics services in Scandinavia with focus on road transport; the planned renewal does not affect its logistics services in Finland, Baltics and Russia

Itella will renew its logistics services in Scandinavia. In the future, the company will concentrate on road transport between its countries of operation. In this field, Itella already has a firm foothold and the possibility to increase its market share. Itella’s aim is also to develop its offering in road transport in selected market areas in Europe.

As part of the renewal, Itella plans to give up air and sea freight as well as its service warehouses in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Additionally, according to the plans, the internal distribution logistics in the countries is to be outsourced. Although the planned program does not affect Itella’s logistics services in Finland, Baltics or other countries outside the scope of the changes.

The renewal will also initiate cooperation negotiations concerning a total of 300 persons in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The need for personnel reductions will be defined in the negotiations concerning the operations, and the country-specific cooperation negotiations.

“The profitability of operations in Scandinavia has not been at an adequate level and this is why we need a new strategy. Itella’s goal is to ensure the profitability of its operations in all situations over the short and long term. The changes that are being planned now are necessary to reach this goal, says Senior Vice President Jani Jolkkonen.

Itella expanded in the Nordic Region in 2005 as part of its internationalization strategy in logistics. The decline of the economy and intense competition have, however, weakened the profitability of logistics operations in the region since the financial crisis began. In accordance with the new strategy published in 2013, the company is focusing its operations on Finland, Russia and the surrounding areas.  Additionally, Itella’s market share of the Scandinavian operations to undergo restructuring has been small.

Quelle: LogEastics

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