JCL AG changes its legal form

JCL AG operates as JCL GmbH headquartered in Werndorf – effective now; Marco Dazzi was appointed as the sole managing director

JCL Logistics with headquarters in Werndorf near Graz has changed its legal form. In a letter to customers and business partners the company announced JCL AG’s change from a stock company to a limited liability company(GmbH) according to §§ 239 ff AktG. JCL AG will operate under the name JCL GmbH with immediate effect.

However, this was solely a change of the legal form. The legal person remains identical. The company’s share capital also remains at the nominal amount of EUR 4 million, they inform in the letter. The previous member of the management board Marco Dazzi was appointed as the sole managing director, autonomously representing the company since 7 June 2014.

From what we hear the change has no further effects on the contact persons of the company. They will keep their function and can be reached under the same contact.


Quelle: LogEastics
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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