
KNAPP AG / BlogTour LogiMAT 2023

LOGISTIKexpress BlogTour: KNAPP AG / LogiMAT 2023


KNAPP Wir entwickeln und produzieren intelligente Anlagensysteme. Dabei kommen modernste Digitalisierungs-, Software-, Automatisierungs- und Robotik-Lösungen zum Einsatz. Mit unseren innovativen Technologien bieten wir alles aus einer Hand, was Unternehmen für eine effiziente Lagerlogistik benötigen. 

Creating value along your supply chain with automated and digital solutions. At KNAPP, we don’t follow trends. We start them. Whether your goal is customer-centricity or supply chain agility, a modern, digital value chain can get you there. Our industry-leading automation solutions cover the entire supply chain — from production to distribution, in-store replenishment and last-mile delivery to consumer experience. Successful companies from different sectors rely on our partnership and expertise. With more than 3,000 projects implemented worldwide, we are creating value in the distribution networks of our customers. As your value chain tech partner, we provide you with what you need to excel in your industry and boost your logistics processes. We take care of project planning, implementation and lifecycle management, providing cutting-edge shuttle technology, AI-powered picking robots, digital solutions for vertical integration and more.

Eine Karriere als Eletrical Developer bei KNAPP

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