MEA dockers’ lock-out at Montreal port

The dockworkers‘ lock-out at the Port of Montreal continues, with the arguing parties to resume negotiations tomorrow.

A second meeting on Friday July 16th between the Maritime Employers Association (MEA) and the Longshoremen’s Union, CUPE, Local 375, failed to produce a resolution to the labour dispute at the Port of Montreal.

The dispute relates to the renewal of the collective agreement for the longshoremen working at the Port of Montreal, with the main issue being job security.

Longshoremen are currently guaranteed their full salary, irrespective of whether there is work for them or not. Considering existing market conditions, the MEA can no longer accept such a large gap between the number of hours worked and paid for by longshoremen and the amount of hours not worked, but fully paid for.

While MEA’s management team concedes this is not a desirable outcome, the lock-out was inevitable, given that pressure tactics had begun to impede port operations.

Consequently, on Monday July 19th, the MEA ordered a lock-out for around 850 employees covered by the accreditation certificate held by the Union.

All activities on terminals operated by MEA members were interrupted at 08h00 on Monday until further notice.

The parties have agreed to continue negotiation with the help of the federal mediator tomorrow morning – Thursday July 22nd.

The MEA represents shipping companies and negotiates with port workers in Montreal, Toronto and other Canadian cities.

Quelle: eyefortransport

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