Neptuny fast-tracking support for Microsoft’s Hyper-V platform

New hypervisor-based virtualization system

Neptuny, the Capacity Management specialist, has announced its CaplanTM offering – the only capacity planning solution supporting multiple virtualization technologies – will also support the new virtualization technology released by Microsoft in its MS WindowsServer 2008 platform. The Hyper-V technology, which was code-named Viridian, is a hypervisor-based virtualization system for x64 systems and, following the shipment of the beta test version by Microsoft with x64 editions of Windows Server 2008.

According to Giuseppe Nardiello, Neptuny’s CaplanTM Product Manager, the interest in this new technology amongst customers is already quite high.

„The adoption of server virtualization in Data Centers, which is already a hot topic due to the economic benefits and return on investment it provides enterprise users, will be further accelerated by new virtualization players such as Oracle, Sun and Microsoft“ he said, adding that the decision to fast-track support for Hyper-V was taken following customer interest in the technology.

Neptuny CaplanTM already supports all the major virtualization technologies, such VMWare ESX, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and MS VirtualCenter 2005.

Quelle: Neptuny

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