New booking agent for P&O Ferries Austria

EFT Transportagentur coordinates booking agency of P&O Ferries in Austria

P&O Ferries recently restructured the ferry shipping services between the European continent and the UK for Austrian clients. Since recently the EFT Transportagentur (transportation agency) in Brunn am Gebirge, near Vienna, acts as the official partner for bookings in Austria.

The ferry shipping company P&O Ferries employs around 4,000 persons who operate on 10 different routes, and offers more than 650 departures per week. The distinctive feature of the company is the ferry service between Calais and Dover. Other regular services are connecting the Ports of Rotterdam and Zeebrugge with Hull. The axis from the UK and Spain is covered by the line between Portsmouth and Bilbao.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung

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