New logistics trade association for Ireland

The United Kingdom Warehousing Association (UKWA) has announced the formation of the All Ireland Warehousing Association (AIWA).

AIWA will embrace all companies in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland that provide warehousing and other logistics support services in the supply chain.

Like UKWA, it is also open to retailers and manufacturers who operate their own warehousing and distribution functions.

Operating from an office in Claremorris, County Mayo, AIWA will be directly affiliated to UKWA.

UKWA’s CEO Roger Williams commented that the new organisation will be able to properly serve the needs of the entire Irish warehousing and logistics sector.

A dedicated website – – is under construction, and an executive steering group will be formed to take the new association forward.

AIWA’s membership categories have been structured to allow companies whose distribution sites are less than 50,000 sq.ft in size to those with facilities of more than 1,000,000 sq.ft to join AIWA cost effectively.

Quelle: eyefortransport

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