Newcomer Q Logistics pursuing new environmental standards
25 locations, 1,200 employees, 3.7 million shipments per year and 275,000 m² of warehousing and cargo handling space – these are the figures of the new player formed by European Contract Logistics – Austria GmbH and the Austrian business segments Groupage and Warehousing of Quehenberger Logistics.
The new company will operate under the name Q Logistics GmbH (Vienna) using the slogan “The Power Network”. It claims to add new energy and dynamic to the segments of general cargo and warehouse logistics. The company was relying “on a dense network of locations in Austria, high frequency national transports, a wide offer of warehouse areas, a strong international connection – and the innovative spirit of a quality provider, who gives more for its customers.”
A total of 25 locations form a national network spanning from Vienna to Wolfurt, and from Fürnitz to Linz. 170,000 m² warehouse and 105,000 m² handling area, providing a total of 120,000 pallet spaces offer room for every solution, according to the company.
Q Logistics uses 900 vehicles and 80 railcars in its daily business. The railway is gaining importance because of the combined volume of shipments, which shall be a benefit to the customer, but also the environment.