Port of Koper in 2018: 225.000 TEUs to/from Austria
With 7.1 million tons of various goods handled, the market share of the Port of Koper in Austria is estimated at 33 per cent. A key prerequisite for fruitful business cooperation are good connections by train. For many years now, daily railway services have been in place between Koper and the Austrian logistics centers for the transport of containers and other goods such as coal, iron ore, phosphates and fuel.
A container train connection with the Cargo Center Graz operates ten times a week. Furthermore containers can be transported to Villach and Enns and from there to other Austrian centers several times a week. The modal road/railway split in the Austrian market is therefore significantly weighted towards railway (75%).
Goods to/from Austria are handled at all terminals in the Port of Koper, with the most common products being timber, paper, coal, iron ore, and various goods transported in containers (225,000 TEUs were registered last year). Between 2009 and 2018, the number of containers increased almost six times.
According to Advantage Austria, the Adriatic ports of Trieste, Koper and Rijeka are key trade partners for the Austrian economy. The forecasts for the Silk Road, e-commerce and online retailing, and the continuing trend towards global production, sales and supply chains, are only some of the indicators of the increasing importance of goods-handling and the related demand for innovative, efficiency-enabling products and services.