
Royal Mail International services now available on eBay

Royal Mail International services, which includes Royal Mail International Tracked & Signed, Royal Mail International Signed and Royal Mail International Standard are now available on eBay.

Sellers on the site can now buy and print labels in the same way they do for domestic Royal Mail and Parcelforce Worldwide services.

eBay markert place sellers who purchase Royal Mail International services will be able to book a collection through Royal Mail’s Parcel Collect, and will also sellers be able to use more than 14,000 access points including parcel postboxes, Post Office and Royal Mail Customer Service Points. 

“Selling internationally has become more complex over the last two years as everyone knows. But exporting opens up huge additional markets for all sellers. Because it’s so important we have worked with eBay to make it as easy as possible for you to export, enhancing the Royal Mail International services you know and trust with new capabilities you can access without leaving the eBay site,” said Nick Landon, Chief Commercial Officer at Royal Mail.

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