Significant increase in transport performance by SBB Cargo
The still strong franc continues to burden on freight transport business. Nevertheless, SBB Cargo increased its financial results for the first six months of 2016. The total transport performance increased by 14.4 percent to 8.72 billion net tonne-kilometers.
Compared with the previous year, particularly the construction and steel industry has transported more volume. These new transport volumes could be gained from such companies as Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland. What is also significant is the increase in transalpine freight transport where the transported freight volumes increased in the first half of the year 2016 – by 12.6 percent to 10.65 million net tonnes.
On the earnings side, efficiency measures took effect. The half-year loss of SBB Cargo has been reduced to CHF 4 million (previous year: CHF -25 million). SBB Cargo International found its way back to profitability, could acquire new customers and achieved a half-year profit of CHF 3 million (previous year: CHF -3.9 million).