Truck toll: Austria’s carriers urge for an end of “valorisation”

Cost burden on Austria’s cargo transport companies in the form of the truck toll is surpassing incidental wage costs in some cases

„Who wants to tackle real reform and relief, can find a variety of ways to lever in the transport sector above all,“ says Franz Danninger, chairman of the professional association for goods transport in the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) in a press release.

One of these levers would be putting an end to the annual automatic toll increase, under the title of „valorisation“. Franz Danninger: „In my company this annual automatism and the associated, ever-increasing toll costs in Austria mean that I now pay more toll per month than I have paid as employer’s share of social security. Concretely, these are EUR 178,000 toll costs in Austria, compared with EUR 151,000 for social security. Furthermore there are also other taxes and levies such as fuel tax in the amount of EUR 137,000, vehicle registration costs, car tax and many more“.

„As actors of the transport industry, we appreciate a well-developed infrastructure, and of course it is a big issue for us. However, as long as the available resources are not exhausted, dividends are distributed and annual surplus is generated, we reject this automatism and also require an end to this additional annual burden,“ said Franz Danninger.

Quelle: LogEastics

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