Alluvial deposits caused by flood along the Danube have been cleared

The presentation of ongoing measures taken in customer-oriented waterway-management was the focus of the first viadonau construction and shipping meeting 2014

In the first construction and shipping meeting on 13 May 2014 in Vienna, the users of the Austrian waterway Danube were given information on the maintenance measures along the route, lock operation and lock revision as well as improvement measures regarding waterway management by viadonau. About 40 participants, among them operators of passenger and cargo shipping, logistics companies, private landing stage operators as well as the organisations and companies which are responsible for maintaining the infrastructure along the waterway Danube, were present at the first construction and shipping meeting 2014. These meeting are organised by viadonau twice a year.

Viadonau general manager  Hans-Peter Hasenbichler and Markus Simoner, head of waterway management with viadonau, shared information regarding their efforts to deal with the alluvial deposits in the navigation channel caused by the floods in June 2013. So far, viadonau has excavated a total of 830.000 m³ of gravel and sediments, which equals the simultaneous operation of an average of three excavator sets in the period July 2013 to April 2014 respectively twice the amount of the cubage which needs to be cleared in a regular year. The viadonau technicians gave a detailed account of the different maintenance measures in the navigational channel and this was followed by a presentation on the corresponding measures taken in the public Danube ports Wien (including the City of Vienna/MA 45), Enns and Krems. The alluvial deposits caused by the flood have mainly been removed.

Among the improvement measures in customer oriented waterway management taken by viadonau are the introduction of a DoRIS-App for mobile devices, via which information of the shipping channel can be downloaded any time, water level forecasts for the next couple of days in low water periods as well as improved information regarding shallow sections on the DoRIS website, which now provides users with a simplified spatial orientation using graphic general maps for both free-flowing sections on the Austrian Danube.

Quelle: LogEastics

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