Austrian Post keeps the ball of QVC Germany
More than 500,000 parcels per year: Multi channel mail order company QVC Germany continues to use the Austrian Post services
QVC Germany, a multi channel mail order company, has renewed its contract with Austrian Port for four more years. The core element of their cooperation is the transportation of more than 500,000 parcels annually, containing fashion, beauty or technology products.
“We have been cooperating successfully with Austria’s Post for more than a decade“, says Dr. Thomas Lindemann, Director Logistics of QVC Germany. “Providing high quality in parcel delivery and a comprehensive European network, the Post is meeting our logistic requirements. Hence our orders will be delivered by the Post in Austria also in the future.“
“We handled about 70 million parcels safe and fast in 2013 on behalf of our customers. We were able to further consolidate our relationship with QVC Germany, an important and renowned business partner in the B2C segment. This also confirms our strategy to invest about EUR 100 million into the building or expansion of logistics facilities, our fleet or new 24/7 solutions for recipients“, explains DI Peter Umundum, CEO Parcel & Logistics, Österreichische Post AG .
Quelle: LogEastics