Bremen ports on the fast lane in Austria
Austria provided excellent foundation for the twin ports Bremen and Bremerhaven in 2015. Container traffic grew by 8 per cent from 137,000 TEU in 2014 to 148,400 TEU. The total turnover improved by 4.7 per cent from 1.48 million tonnes to 1.55 million tonnes. The seaborne freight exports post a growth of 4.9 percent to 1.44 million tonnes. With 114,000 tonnes, the seaborne freight imports were 6.2 per cent higher than in 2014.
One can say, that exports are the driving force for transit through Austria. This is due to about 55 block trains per week in seaport hinterland transport. Alfred Wolfram, representative of the Bremen ports in Austria, thinks that this is a good development. According to him this development is due to the attractiveness of the mega-vessels of Maersk Line and Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) – especially on the routes to North America. Regarding this, the ports along the Northern Adriatic are subject to limits. Those can only be entered by container ships with a capacity of 14,000 TEU.
Whereas in Bremerhaven the pendulum clearly swings in the direction of the large container ships. There are fewer ship arrivals while at the same time the amount of extra-large carriers increases significantly. This, as well as the diverse rail service in the seaport hinterland transport, strengthens the competitive position of Bremerhaven compared to Koper, Rijeka and Trieste.