Declining bulk cargo throughput in the Port of Hamburg

Port of Hamburg shows a strong trend in general cargo throughput in the first quarter of 2012
In the first three months of 2012 the Port of Hamburg achieved total throughput of 32.6 million tons (+ 3.8 per cent). At 2.2 million TEU, throughput on the container handling that predominates in Hamburg as a universal port was 5.2 per cent higher than in the first quarter of 2011.
Bulk cargo throughput in the first quarter of 2012 at 9.5 million tons (- 4.8 per cent) was below the previous year‘s. By comparison with the first quarter of 2011, on general cargo throughput the Port of Hamburg achieved a 7.9 per cent advance to 23.1 million tons. This growth was primarily powered by the trend in exports of containerized general cargoes. Here the Port of Hamburg handled export volume of 11.4 million tons in the first three months of the year, representing an increase of 11.1 per cent. Imports of containerized general cargoes with volume of 11.2 million tons were representing 5.5 per cent growth. At 528,000 tons, throughput of non-containerized general cargoes was 6.1 per cent lower than in the previous year.

Quelle: LogEastics


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