Doğuş Çay appoints CEVA as distributor in Turkey

CEVA Logistics has signed a one-year agreement worth €4 million to manage the distribution of Doğuş Çay’s products throughout Turkey.

Under the agreement, CEVA will collect goods such as tea, sugar, sauces and potato chips from Doğuş Çay factories in Ordu, Gebze, Eskişehir and Ödemiş on a daily basis and transport them to the chain stores and distributors of the manufacturer’s products.

An estimated 10,500 truckloads of goods will be distributed across Turkey each year.

According to Aslan Uzun, CEVA’s general manager in Turkey & Balkans, Doğuş Çay previously used its own regional warehouses, trucks and staff to handle logistics services. However this did not give them the flexibility to respond to changes in order size or response time.

A vital part of the operation is CEVA’s ability to distribute all products without being restricted by a maximum or minimum order amount. The integrated and scalable solution enables Doğuş Çay to respond to customers‘ orders in real-time, using CEVA’s partial network (LTL) service, and thus ultimately reduce its logistics costs.

Quelle: eyefortransport

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