DPD wine logistics: New cardboards for Kracher Webshop

DPD registers further growth in wine logistics in Austria in the 25th year of company’s history

In 2013, the year of their 25th anniversary, DPD wine logistics concentrates on the motto Service First!, which becomes evident through their tight cooperation with wine makers. DPD, as logistics partner of the Weinlaubenhof Kracher, Burgenland, is now using specially developed cardboards with their own logo for 6 or 12 bottles sold on their new Webshop. The innovative cardboards are specially designed for Kracher’s 0,375 l-bottles. DPD attaches great importance to carefulness and ideal handling of wine shipments, and provides customers with information about secure and fast parcel transport on www.weinlogistik.at (only available in German).

From September 2012 to August 2013 the private parcel company carried about 40,000 wine bottles more than in the same period of the previous year. In total DPD has shipped 292,519 cardboards in the past “wine year“. “Compared with the previous year, this is more than 7,000 cardboards in addition“, Rainer Schwarz, managing director DPD Austria, is happy about the success of DPD’s wine logistics. With a total of 84,262 wine cardboards in the peak season of 2012, November and December are also significantly above the result of the same period last year.

www.weinlogistik.at www.dpd.at/

Quelle: LogEastics
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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