Far East Land Bridge Ltd. unveils new company logo

Far East Land Bridge Ltd. (FELB) offers improved transit time from Asia to Europe thanks to new rail cooperation with UTLC (United Transport and Logistic Company)

Far East Land Bridge Ltd. (FELB), a subsidiary company of the Russian Railways Logistics (RZDL) offering a reliable transport solution from Asia to Europe, recently changed its appearance and company logo.

As a symbol for a promising start with UTLC (United Transport and Logistic Company) – the new official railway cooperation between the Russian, Belarussian and Kazakhstan railways – FELB as the logistics operative of UTLC unveiled its new logo during a gala dinner in Vienna on 16 April. Top-management partners and customers joined the celebration at the south-west wing of the former imperial palace Hofburg. With the new cooperation FELB is undertaking the ambitious task to coordinate all transit movements.

A new speed train service offers transit time improvements: From the previous transit-time of 25 days in 2009, the actual transit-time shows an advancement of 14 days based on a dedicated block-train service offered for both directions from Suzhou (near Shanghai) to Warszawa, Leipzig and Duisburg. The average transit-time for the standard service from Europe to China is reduced to 18-19 days. A transit-time of 14-16 days can be offered from European main terminals to Suzhou and v.v. FELB operates weekly departures and offers LCL service and a fast connection to and from South Korea and Japan.

FELB has recently also started the new Eastbound Speed Train Service (mirroring the Westbound Speed Train Service with a 14 days ransit-time) on regular basis with 2-4 departures per month (depending on the volume) and targeting at minimum one departure per week within the next few months.


Quelle: LogEastics
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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