
FTA piles on the pressure for Games info

The Freight Transport Association has given the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games organisers a 50-day ultimatum, for published detailed information in preparation for the event.

FTA has previously expressed concern over the lack of information available to help the freight industry prepare for the Games, which will begin on 23 July this year.

It has called for full details of plans for its members, who will expect answers at the FTA’s Conference ‚Managing deliveries and servicing during the Commonwealth Games 2014’, on 13 May.

The conference will be held with the games organisers, Transport Scotland, and Police Scotland.

“The freight and logistics industry will play a huge part in helping to deliver essential food, drink and supplies not only to the games venues themselves but also to the residents and businesses of the city and to do so, it is vital to prepare well ahead,“ said FTA’s head of policy for Scotland, Chris MacRae.

“At the equivalent stage ahead of the Olympics in 2012, the Games Route Network (GRN) was known in detail and the Freight Working Group had met several times.For Glasgow the GRN is still only a map without any published detail on actual restrictions, times or postcodes released and the Freight Working Group only met for the first time on 11th March.We also still have no information on the venue security accreditation procedures.

“The sooner FTA can get this information the sooner we can help our logistics members plan around the Games and the sooner they can help their customers – thebusinesses and citizens of Glasgow – to plan around the Games to make then a success.”

Source: logisticsmanager.com
Portal: logistik-express.com

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