IT failures will have to wait – it’s the footie league final tonight!

No sense for emergencies in IT-failures


A survey has shown if you’re unlucky enough to suffer a major security failure during the last 5 minutes of a major football match like UEFA champions league, 39% of IT professionals say the problem will have to wait until the footie is over! That’s according to a survey conducted at Infosecurity Europe, by Tufin Technologies, the leading provider of Security Lifecycle Management Solutions who interviewed 151 IT professionals. On the flip side that does leave an incredibly loyal 61% who would right their company’s IT problems before watching the footie!


The survey was commissioned to find out attitudes into “Firewall Management & the Security Implications” and focused the survey at mainly IT security managers and technical staff from multinational organisations and government departments employing 1000 to 5000+. The key finding of the survey has found that 51% of IT professionals believe their corporate firewall base rules are in a mess.

 The survey also found that 1 in 5 IT professionals admit that either they or a colleague has cheated to get an audit passed and a staggering 9% have avoided having any audit conducted on their firewall base rules. 63% only check and audit their firewalls from anything between 3 months to a year.  


The survey also found that 22% of firewall audits take anything from a few weeks to a few months, with 70% saying that their audits take a few days. 


And on a positive note…………..

Clearly the area of cost savings are a high priority to all companies in the current economic climate, however in the area of IT security and compliance, 52% of companies have revealed that their organisation has not made them focus on cost cuttings as security and compliance are still a priority that budget will be allocated to, so that they will continue to meet all the growing compliance requirements.

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