Logwin builds fashion logistics network across Asia

Logwin is increasing its presence in Asia’s premium fashion and lifestyle sector. As part of this development the company is building a network of dedicated fashion and lifestyle warehouses at preferred locations across Asia for its leading brand name clients.

The logistics centres in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur will provide a range of services tailored to the fashion sector. Services include labelling, tagging and assembly of garments and accessories.

Logwin also provides international air and ocean transport and offers its AirTextainer packaging and Garment-on-Hanger service next to flat pack-transportation for its fashion and lifestyle customers.

Finally, Logwin will enhance the entire flow of fashion and lifestyle goods from production to point of sale, providing its customers with a complete logistics solution. "We have been working in the fashion sector in Europe and Asia for many years. We are seeing a significant increase in demand from Asian consumers for leading European brand name fashion and lifestyle products," said Marc Wijnen, Director Logistics, Logwin.

"We also see emerging Asian fashion brands that are becoming popular in Europe and the US, with our expertise in this industry, we have a unique service offering," he added.

Quelle: eyefortransport
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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