New gantry crane at Gysev Cargo container terminal in Sopron

Intermodal Logistics Services Centre of Gysev Cargo in Sopron, western Hungary, is increasing its throughput capacity for combined road/rail transport

Gysev Cargo Zrt., a cargo railway company, has added a gantry crane to its equipment base. The new machine has a lifting capacity of 41 tons and has been transported dismantled by special trucks to Sopron where it will be used on the Container Terminal. The purchase of the crane worth about EUR 2.8 million was made available by a tender targeting the further development of the container terminal of the Intermodal Logistics Services Centre in Sopron.

The crane, that is used to lift and relocate containers, moves on rails of 300 meters, spanning 4 tracks. It is able to move and transpose containers whether they arrive on trucks or on railway cars. The crane operator uses a touch-screen that provides continuous feedback on the status of the crane.

Besides installing the crane, the related infrastructure developments have been carried out, too: structural reinforcement of the crane track and change of its superstructure as well as the provision of electric supply.

„Goods transport in containers is gaining ground at an increasing pace both on the road and on rail and we have to adapt to market needs, which is why it was necessary to make this purchase. Thanks to previously successful tenders, we could expand our equipment base at the container terminal by a mobile loader last year and by a gantry crane this year.” – János Skala, CEO of Gysev Cargo Zrt. said in connection with the purchase.

Quelle: LogEastics

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