New management of DB Schenker in Vienna and Salzburg

Replacement: Martin Hackl becomes the branch manager in Vienna; Andreas Kerschner gets to the top of the Salzburg branch

The DB Schenker branches in Vienna and Salzburg both have a new management. Martin Hackl (36) will officially head the Vienna branch from 1 April 2015. He will succeed the previous branch managers Markus Aminger, MBA and Alexander Schaffer. In Salzburg Mag. Andreas Kerschner (47) assumes the management position of Robert Hartmann.

The trained forwarder Martin Hackl has been working at the Vienna branch in 2008 and 2009 already. Afterwards he had been in charge of several tasks with DB Schenker in the Near Middle East region, and from 2012 he was Managing Director of DB Schenker in Oman. In this function he has successfully established and headed the national organisation in this country.

In Salzburg, Andreas Kerschner assumes the position of the branch manager. Previously he had been managing director of Logwin Solutions Austria GmbH for many years. His predecessor Robert Hartmann will focus on new tasks outside DB Schenker Logistics by his own request.

Andreas Kerschner means a reknowned branch expert for the Salzburg branch. He has much experience in all transport logistic segments and has management skills. The reason for this change in the management in Vienna is the focus on development and innovation within one of the most important units of the Austrian organisation“, says Kurt Leidinger, CEO DB Schenker in Austria and Southeastern Europe.

The DB Schenker branch in Salzburg has currently 215 employees and is an important hub for the 700 Schenker branches in Europe, regarding transport to Southeastern Europe, Central Asia and Austrian express cargo transport.

Quelle: LogEastics

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