
Packaging by Quadient climbs packaging peaks with Everest

Packaging by Quadient, formerly Neopost, has launched CVP Everest, a high velocity packing system capable of producing more than 1,100 packages per hour.

The CVP Everest measures, constructs, seals, weighs and labels each parcel. Packaging by Quadient says it can reduce package volumes by up to 50%, cut cardboard usage by 20% and eliminating the need for void fill.

It uses a glue-gun system to affix an individually sized lid to each tailor-made package. This allows much faster speeds for high-volume operations and far smaller package sizes than is possible with tape-sealed systems – all of which enables the new machine to cater for a far broader order profile at much higher speeds – and because no tape is used, cardboard can be more easily recycled.

Packaging by Quadient says the CVP Everest has the potential to replace between 20 to 30 packaging desks.

Jo Bradley, business development manager for packaging solutions at Quadient said: “With rates in excess of 1,100 packages per hour, the CVP Everest is a highly attractive proposition for e-commerce businesses challenged by poor labour availability, rising costs and escalating volumes of orders involving single or multiple items.

You can find Packaging by Quadient (stand 500) at IntraLogistex – the UK’s only intralogistics show in 2020, which takes place on the 31st March and 1st April 2020 at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry.

Register your interest now at www.intralogistex.co.uk

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