
People scared by self-driving lorries

Two people in five are scared by current and predicted advances in technology – while only one third are excited by the developments.

More than 2,000 people were surveyed by WMB Logistics and top five scariest technological advancements are:

  1. Conscious machines – 30 per cent
  2. Self-driving lorries – 24 per cent
  3. Virtual home assistants – 21 per cent
  4. Virtual reality – 13 per cent
  5. Self-driving cars – 9 per cent

Baby Boomers proved to be the most concerned (33 per cent), followed by the Silent Generation (23 per cent), Millennials (20 per cent), Generation Z (15 per cent) and finally Generation X (9 per cent).

When asked what it was that scared them about conscious machines, the top responses were found to be ‘they’ll eventually have a mind of their own’ (47 per cent) and ‘they’ll end up replacing humans in work and other areas’ (29 per cent).

When asked what worried them about self-driving lorries, respondents cited ‘I don’t trust that they’ll be reliable and as quick to react as a human would’ (62 per cent).

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