Scandlines records growth in ferry traffic

Scheduled hybrid drive system is getting started: Scandlines “sails“ to the future with a sustainable ferry concept

Ferry shipping company Scandlines sees its future in sustainable ferry traffic, emphasised Morten Haure-Petersen, managing director Scandlines Deutschland GmbH, in his statement at the company’s New Year’s reception in Berlin. They were striving to become a pioneer in the segment of sustainable ferry traffic, and plan to make double-digit million investments, the manager announced.

In 2013 Scandlines registered significant growth in transport volume. “We are glad our freight customers welcomed the improved concept on the high-frequency shortsea routes Puttgarden–Rødby, Rostock–Gedser and Helsingør–Helsingborg“, said Morten Haure-Petersen. However, the vehicle and passenger figures showed a slightly declining tendency as in previous years.

For 2014, Scandlines is planning to make further investments in innovative on-board concepts and eco-friendly vessel technologies: as the world’s first ferry company Scandlines equips ferries with a hybrid drive system operating on the Puttgarden–Rødby route. Thus, excess energy can be stored on board and made available when required. The installation of scrubbers also ensures the emission of sulfur is reduced to almost zero.

Regarding the planned newbuildings for the Rostock-Gedser route Scandlines continues to work on a solution. The shipping company confirms the persisting interest of buying two hulls in Stralsund. In addition, Scandlines is negotiating new contracts with other European shipyards.

Quelle: LogEastics

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