
Six technologies that will change logistics

Six key technologies set to change the logistics industry by 2030, according to Markus Kückelhaus, vice president of innovation & trend at DHL.

man-320276“Logistics used to be a quite boring industry with a very low level of innovation,” said Kückelhaus at a recent conference in Copenhagen. “But now we see many start-up companies that try to improve efficiency in different areas of logistics. “This makes the industry much more interesting than in the past.”

The six technologies:

  1. Big data

Risk assessment is one area that DHL has tested big data in. The delivery company has collected ‘internal and external logistics statistic reports on failed shipments and risk in logistics.’

  1. Sensor technology

DHL thinks sensor technology could be used to identify how much available capacity there is on a pallet, truck or at a warehouse.

  1. Augmented reality

The delivery company has already tested augmented reality glasses for picking on its staff. The equipment is able to scan barcodes, display picking lists, show where goods are displayed on a shelf and demonstrate where products should be placed.

  1. 3D printing

DHL has said that 80 per cent of the goods at their warehouses are not suitable for 3D printing, but that it sees a great potential in the market for healthcare products like hearing aids, and tooth implants.

  1. Robots

Robots that are able to integrate with warehouse staff are currently being tested by DHL, including a self-driving picking trolley.

  1. Drones

DHL has also tested drone delivery in remote areas. The company says that the biggest issue with the trend is strict regulations.

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