
Volvo launches new battery system

Volvo Trucks is introducing a new battery system for its FH and FM ranges that uses two separate battery stets to ensure there is enough power for in-cab functions while reducing the risk of standstill owing to discharged batteries.

One battery is used for starting the engine, and the other for all other in-cab electrical equipment. The starter battery’s only function is to crank the engine and is not affected by power consumption in the rest of the truck. All other functions such as the parking heater, parking cooler, refrigerator, media system and personal equipment including laptops, mobile phones and tablets are powered by separate gel batteries.

Volvo is using technology to meet the increasingly high energy requirements demanded by many customers today, saying that compared to conventional lead-acid batteries, gel technology has the ability to maintain high concentrations of energy for long periods of time.

“These benefits can be seen primarily in long-distance transport and in really hot or cold climates. Even on cold winter nights, the driver can enjoy a good night’s rest without having to get up and start the engine to recharge the batteries,” said Samuel Nerdal, product manager electrical and electronics.

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