WienCont beats the 400.000 TEU mark in 2011
WienCont terminal at Port of Vienna – Freudenau achieves new record container throughput in 2011:
On December 6, the 400.000th transport unit (TEU) – a swap body of Gebrüder Weiss filled with goods of REWE International AG – was handled at the WienCont Terminal at the Port of Vienna-Freudenau. Thus the subsidiary of the Hafen Wien group achieved a new record in annual throughput volume. In the 2010 financial year the volume handled at the Port of Vienna amounted to about EUR 320,000 TEU.
The positive development this year gave reason to celebrate with Vienna’s financial and economic counsillor and vice mayor Renate Brauner, Wien Holding manager Peter Hanke, WienCon manager Karin Zipperer, Jürgen Bauer (regional director East Gebrüder Weiss) and Andreas Bayer (managing director REWE Internationle Lager und Transport GmbH).
WienCont is the operator of the container terminal at the Port of Vienna-Freudenau and the leading supplier of throughput services for shipments in unaccompanied transport in eastern Austria. The company handles about 100 block trains at its facility per week. There are plans in the pipeline to expand these facilities.
Quelle: LogEastics