Captains of inland waterway transport call for an end to cannibalisation

The arrest and deliberate defamation of a captain in Budapest who was involved in a serious shipping accident with fatal consequences caused a considerable wave in inland navigation.

For the first time in inland navigation, many captains signed a petition protesting against the, in their opinion, unjustified imprisonment of a colleague in Budapest.  The signatories to the petition, that much is certain, are at any rate determined to put an end to the cannibalisation of inland navigation law.

In the meantime, the captain has been released under strict conditions, but the Ukrainian’s public medial demonstration continues and obviously serves to distract attention from a whole series of unresolved issues that led to the disaster.

We are talking here about nothing less than uniform principles and standards in European inland navigation law. For the area of the Danube waterway, this is a very specific task of the Danube Commission in Budapest, which has to take it on. But it is no secret that the Danube regime is mainly concerned with itself and that, as a result, the nation states, and even each individual port captain, orient themselves by rules they have made themselves. Instead of assuming a leading role in the growing Europe of the Community, the Danube Commission, once the first European organisation with a great history, is increasingly losing its importance and influence.

LOGISTIK express
Peter Baumgartner
Tel.: +43 +664 2634362

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