AFS All Freight Systems has outsourced most of its IT to ACP

Technical expertise of ACP helps AFS All Freight Systems to exactly calculate IT costs per employee

The logistics and forwarding company AFS All Freight Systems based in Zirl/Tyrol has decided quite early to outsource parts of its IT infrastructure to professional partners. In 2007 ACP assumed the management of their server landscape; a few years later AFS decided to change for a flat-rate Managed Services package of ACP, with the benefit of variable service time and a high level of cost control.

“The exact predictability of our IT costs was very important for us from the very beginning,” explains Christian Praxmarer, IT manager at AFS. “With the Managed Services of ACP, we know exactly our IT costs per employee and can budget and plan investments optimally.” The ACP-service includes three physical and five virtual servers, firewall, network, and client support at the locations in Zirl and Salzburg. “A flexible regulation of service hours was critical for AFS. It was also important for the customer that our IT services can be used when there is need and will be charged per month,” says Jürgen Gruber, sales manager at ACP.

ACP provides manufacturer-independent consulting, procurement and integration, managed services, data center services and IT financing for the entire IT range and assists companies, authorities and organisations of all sizes. Founded in 1993, employs the IT provider now has 1,000 employees at more than 25 locations in Germany and Austria. In the 2014/2015 fiscal year, the ACP Group generated EUR 340 million in sales.


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