Agility Group records strong growth

Agility Group in top form in financial year 2008

The globally acting transport and logistics group Agility had been in good form in 2008. The enterprise based in Kuwait was able to increase its turnover compared to last year by 16 per cent to USD 6.8 billion. The operative result amounted to USD 600 million; net profit was USD 526 million.

Producing 59 per cent of the group’s turnover, Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) was the largest division. It achieved a 17%- increase in turnover. In addition to the establishment of locations in Austria, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Denmark and Finland GIL made investments in Algeria, Libya, Morocco and the Kurdish part of Iraq. Moreover companies were acquired to reinforce the market appearance in China. Nokia, Siemens, Cadbury, Emerson and Flextronics placed new large-scale contracts at the enterprise.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung

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