Austria: More money for cleaner barges on the Danube

Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology continues to foster environmentally friendly fleet modernisation of inland cargo vessels

The existing subsidy program for environmentally friendly barges will be in force until May 2017. Also in 2015 for example the installation of energy-efficient propulsion systems, the retrofitting of single hull constructions to double hulls or the application of new technologies in the field of automatic control systems and security retrofitting can be supported.

Eligible beneficiaries are European inland waterway transport companies with an office in Austria. The funded vessel has to cover the Austrian Danube at least 10 times a year. The state aid program is conducted in annual calls. The deadline for applications to the 2015 call ends on 22 May 2015. The date of the postmark serves as evidence.

The application process is operated by viadonau, Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH in Vienna.

Quelle: LogEastics

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