cargo-partner forwarding moves to new office in Rijeka

Continuous business growth motivated cargo-partner Croatia to move their branch in Rijeka to a larger office

The cargo-partner forwarding company continued its expansion in Croatia with the start of this month. With the increasing need for space, the office in Rijeka had become too small. Thus they moved to a new office on November 30. The new address is cargo-parnter d.o.o., Brajdica 14 in 51000 Rijeka. The globally operating transport and logistics provider has more locations in Zagreb Jankomir (headquarters of the national organisation) and Zagreb Airport.

The cargo-partner group, an international forwarding company headquartered in Fischamend near Vienna, has 2,400 employees at more than 100 locations in 31 countries. The service range covers air, sea and road transport for international and domestic customers, completed by solutions to optimise warehousing capacities. Annual turnover 2012 amounted to EUR 560 million.

Quelle: LogEastics

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