Connecting railways: Rail Cargo Austria is approaching the companies

For the attractiveness of the railway: SANSIBAS is working on a centralised information system for connecting railways in Bavaria and Salzburg

An intense discussion about how more goods can be shifted from road to rail, coined the second connecting railway dialog of Euregio. More than 40 participants from the city and the province of Salzburg and from Bavaria attended the event, which was organised in the course of the cross-border project SANSIBAS (freight and connecting railways in Bavaria and Salzburg).

The offer of Rail Cargo Austria (RCA) to increasingly to go to the federal states and in the area, and to have the respective transport needs of local customers in mind, met great interest. Many companies stressed their willingness and interest to move more goods by rail, if additional offers, services and above all interlocutors are available with Rail Cargo Austria.

Gerhard Helmer, project manager of the RCA area team: „The key to success is the intensive dialogue with the customers and the development of flexible solutions. Therefore, a central contact partner will take care of the customer support and make the RCA a one-stop shop. “

In the second part of the connecting railway dialogue Christine Kierner, SCHIG (rail infrastructure services company) presented the new funding for connecting railways in Austria. In addition to the new construction and expansion of connecting railways and terminals, also investments into existing connecting railways will be supported.

Alexander Godschachner, TraffiCon, presented the interim results of a core project of SANSIBAS, a central information system for connecting railways in Bavaria and Salzburg. This will encourage the networking of operators of rail terminals, freight forwarders, shippers and site developers. The resulting synergy effects will make the railway more attractive compared to road transport.

The connecting railway dialogue and the SANSIBAS project are financed by the European Regional Development Fund (INTERREG IV A), the Bavarian State Ministry of Internal Affairs, the association for economic development ‚Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Berchtesgadener Land’, the government of Salzburg, the ‚Industriellenvereinigung Salzburg’ and the chamber of commerce IHK for Munich and upper Bavaria. EuRegio Salzburg-Berchtesgadener Land-Traunstein will advise project partners.

Quelle: LogEastics

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