EU funds EUR 11.9 billion to improve transport infrastructure

New EU funding to expand European transport connections; Invitation to tender projects runs from now to 26 February 2015

On 11 September the European Commission has invited Member States to propose projects to use EUR 11.9 billion of EU funding under the new Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to improve European transport connections. Member States have until 26 February 2015 to submit their bids.

For the period 2014-2020 EU financing for transport, energy and digital broadband under the new Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) totals to EUR 33.24 billion, of which EUR 26.25 billion are earmarked for transport infrastructure (compared to EUR 8 billion for 2007-2013). This is the first tranche of the new funding for transport to be made available, two more are to follow in the next two years each one.

These EU funding shall help to expand the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) and hence increase efficiency of the transport network, which forms not last the basis for further economic growth. The funding concentrates on nine European transport corridors, of which four are crossing Austria: Baltic-Adriatic, Orient-East Med, Scandinavian-Mediterranean and the Rhine-Danube corridor. Among others, the Semmering Base Tunnel, Koralm Railway and Brenner Base Tunnel are potential projects to receive such a financing.

The CEF program prioritizes multimodal and rail projects, and replaces also Marco Polo, the former EU funding program to promote the shift of road cargo transport to more sustainable transport means, says Gudrun Schulze, Senior Policy Coordinator in the European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, on a press conference in Vienna.

Quelle: LogEastics

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