Even more tractive power for rail operator Metrans
On 25th October 2018, the HHLA intermodal company Metrans received its 40th multi-system locomotive from Bombardier Transportation in Prague. This expands the pool of the 100 per cent rail subsidiary of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) to a total of 80 locomotives, and enables it to react even more quickly and flexibly to changing market requirements.
During the official takeover in Prague Martin Horinek, Chief Operating Officer of Metrans said, “With more of our own locomotives, we can control the transport processes between the northern seaports and clients in the Central and East European hinterlaneven better. The Bombardier locomotives are ideal, as they are designed for the different supply voltage and train protection systems in Europe.”
The type TRAXX F140MS multi-system locomotives are specially designed for the different supply voltage and train protection systems – 15 kV and 25 kV alternating current and 1.5 kV and 3 kV direct current – in place across Europe, meaning they are suited for transnational European rail transport. Metrans will mainly be using the new locomotives for rail transport between the North Sea ports of Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Rotterdam and Antwerp, and the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
Metrans is one of the leading train operators in Europe and is the market leader for container transports in seaport-hinterland traffic with Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The network of HHLA rail subsidiaries comprises 13 inland terminals in five Central and Eastern European countries. In the first six months of 2018 alone, the company carried 13,000 container trains through Europe. Until 2022, HHLA will provide Metrans with EUR 350 million in investment funds for new terminal facilities, locomotives and for the wagon fleet.