Evergreen Line launches second West Africa Service

Evergreen doubles its service frequency from Algeciras to Lome and Nigeria and extends its lines’s service scope to Benin and Togo
Evergreen Line will team up with Hanjin and UASC to extend its global network and to launch the second West Africa Service, called WAF2. Three ships of between 1,200 – 1,800 TEU capacity will be deployed on the joint service one ship from each partner. The first scheduled departure will be from Algeciras in Spain on July 20. The port rotation for the service after the southern Spanish hub-port of Algeciras will be Lagos (Tincan Island), Cotonou in Benin, then Lome, Togo before the return leg to Algeciras.
The new loop will double Evergreen’s service frequency to Lagos, Nigeria, as its existing WAF service calls at the port’s Apapa Terminal and also extend the line’s service scope to Benin and Togo in addition to Ghana and the Ivory Coast already served by WAF. The new WAF 2 service will also increase the efficiency of the transhipment operation at Algericas, linking into Evergreen Line’s extensive network in Europe, the Far East and the rest of the world.

Quelle: LogEastics

Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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