From road to rail: Interreg-Project Sansibas
New transborder project to promote rail cargo transport in Bavaria and Salzburg by the European Regional Development Fund
In the frame of the new transborder project called Sansibas (rail cargo and connecting railways in Bavaria und Salzburg) the first potential industrial area has been inspected recently. The aim of the project is to push the shift of cargo transport from road to rail in Berchtesgadener Land and in Salzburg. This shall be achieved by improved, cooperative use of railway connections. The project partners headed by the Berchtesgadener Land business development company are the local government of Salzburg and the federation of industries in Salzburg.
In addition to the existing industrial area Teisendorf at the railway station other commercial locations in Berchtesgaden and Salzburg are to undergo inspections as well. „Our goal is to create a positive environment now for the future shift of cargo transport to the railway. At the same time companies for which transportation by train is feasible and useful, shall be able to settle in the respective industrial zones,“ explains Dr. Thomas Birner, CEO of the business development company Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Berchtesgadener Land mbH. This project shall intensify the use of existing connections, but also examine and show possibilities for further sidings with the expansion of commercial areas.
The Sansibas project shall be implemented by March 2015. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (INTERREG IV A), the Bavarian ministry for internal affairs, the chamber of industry and commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria, EurRegio Salzburg-Berchtesgaden-Traunstein, Berchtesgadener Land business development company, the local government of Salzburg and the federation of industries in Salzburg.
Quelle: LogEastics